SDMRM invites you to the Tijuana and Tecate Reception to celebrate our summer exhibit. Join us Thursday, June 13, from 5-7pm, for drinks, appetizers, and a first look at the exhibition.
Tijuana and Tecate explores the construction and history of the San Diego and Arizona Eastern. Specifically looking at the section located across the Mexican Border, known as the Tijuana and Tecate Shortline. The exhibit walks visitors through the difficulties John D. Spreckels faced as he funded the construction. In addition, it also looks at the aftermath of the railroad, and the cities in Mexico that the trains passed through.
This event is free, but we ask you RSVP.
Event details:
Date: Thursday, June 13
Time: 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Food: Appetizers
Note: This event is FREE, but we ask you RSVP
Questions? Contact Deputy Director, Chelsea Smith via email at [email protected].
Photo Disclaimer: This event will be photographed by the San Diego Model Railroad Museum. By RSVPing for this event, you are acknowledging this statement and granting consent for images you may be featured in to be used for publications or publicity materials (including but not limited to grant applications, newsletters, videos, and Web use), in perpetuity.
Event is FREE, please RSVP so we can have a head count.
This is a free event, but we're required to have a refund policy anyway! Please just let us know if you can't make it; that way we can have a seat for someone else. Thanks!